current project

Vindpark Falkenberg





Number of turbines:

About the project

After Corio Generation bought the Swedish company Favonius, which had been operating the Kattegatt Offshore project for many years, it was decided that it was time to rename the project. Wind farm Falkenberg became the name. At the same time, the decision was made to build a brand partly to mark that the project has now taken a new step and partly to create and strengthen the relationship with the target group. Prior to the relaunch, Renewable Sweden carried out a branding process that laid the foundation for future work. After that, we rolled without promotion that went on for six months. Our communication was seen and heard in TV4 Halland, local daily press, outdoor advertising in Falkenberg (the big screen on bus shelters), social media and local radio. We also worked with focus groups andpolls to find insights about the target group.

Project Documents

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Janne Persson

Project Manager

Business Partner