We are specialized in various areas within renewable energy

Onshore Wind Power

Onshore wind power is a proven and mature technology. Renewable Sweden has specialist knowledge and solid experience of onshore wind projects across the whole of Sweden.

Are you a land owner? Read more here

Our services:

  • Screening and pre-study
  • Project development of new projects
  • Project management and advisory services throughout the value chain of your project
  • Permitting process and municipal authorization
  • Consultation process (environmental code)
  • Layout and environmental (noise, shadow, ZVI)
  • GIS (Geographic Information System)
  • Stakeholder management
  • Local benefit package
  • Visual impact (visualizations, 3D)
  • Transaction services
  • Technical Due Diligence
  • Business development and market entry process
  • LCOE Calculations
  • Wind resource/Wind energy calculations
  • Third party WRA & EYA review

We are a proud member of the industry organizations Svensk Vindenergi and Svensk Vindkraftförening.

Är du intresserad av vårt incitamentskoncept Vindvärde™?
Läs mer här.

Mikael Palmqvist

Onshore Wind Power


Offshore Wind Power

Offshore wind power is on the rise in Sweden, and Renewable Sweden has worked with project development of several planned parks in municipal waters and the Swedish economic zone. We offer a partnership approach; blending a flexible project structure and expertise when it comes to the permitting process with local presence in Sweden.

Our services: 

  • Screening and pre-study
  • Project development of new projects
  • Project management and advisory services throughout the value chain of your project
  • Permit process and municipal authorization
  • Consultation process (environmental code) incl ESPOO.
  • Layout and environmental (noice, shadow, ZVI)
  • GIS (Geographic Information System)
  • Stakeholder management
  • Local benefit package
  • Visual impact (visualizations, 3D)
  • Business development and market entry process

Proud member of the industry organizations Svensk Vindenergi and Svensk Vindkraftförening.

Jeanette Lindeblad

Offshore Wind Power



A good wind location is a natural resource and asset worthy of best management. Do you have a good location but where technology or permits are in need of upgrade? With knowledge of wind energy and expertise in permit processes, Renewable Sweden can help you future-proof your unique wind situation.

There are many benefits of different types of lifetime extension. Above all, it is about continuing to use a good wind situation - but with improved conditions. Existing infrastructure can be largely reused and not infrequently there is already acceptance for wind power on the site. In addition, there is also knowledge about the impact of wind farms on people and the environment. All in all, this is a great advantage in a permit examination.
Other benefits of lifetime extension of existing wind farms include, for example, that it is a resource-efficient way of using the land and that repowering projects can often be realized faster than projects on previously unoccupied land. With a new environmental test, the project lives on, but now better adapted to today's legal requirements. It promotes sustainable development.

Our Services

  • Mapping of conditions — “Initial check”
  • Strategy and recommendation of procedure and choice of route
  • Technical calculations and data
  • Permit examination and EIA
  • Consultation process
  • Dialogue with relevant authorities
  • Landowner dialogue and tenancy issues
  • Energy calculations and profitability calculations
  • Strategic communication
  • Technical DD
  • Support when buying, selling and brokering possible objects

    Optimize your wind mode with more energy services
    Today, there are more options for supplementing energy production. It can be about solar power, battery storage and other support services. Sometimes these options are more advantageous than going solely on wind power.

Why is it time to be future-proof?

Many wind farms are often built on very good wind conditions in southern Sweden. As an owner, you can choose a variety of strategies:
As an owner, you can choose different strategies for repowering:

  • Life extension through replacement of existing parts
  • Partial repowering - change to more modern parts, e.g. new engine housing
  • Total repowering by switching to new works within the current permit, depending on the new permit

Future-proof wind modes help meet tomorrow's electricity needs
There is no doubt that society's energy needs will increase. The expansion of new production is necessary and is happening, but can be time consuming. Up to 100 TWh, equivalent to about 60% of Sweden's electricity consumption, will reach its economic life in the next 20 — 30 years. Part of the solution is the lifetime extension and efficiency of existing fossil-free energy production, which has also been identified as a priority by the EU Member States.


  • Landowners
  • Operator
  • Service Providers
  • Wind power producers

Pitch & Reference Project

  • Increase existing electricity generation in a resource-efficient manner
  • Existing network connection
  • Small-scale local energy production
  • Re-investment in new modern technologies
  • Locally produced renewable electricity
  • An accepted key in the energy transition
  • All wind power built before 2015 to be replaced or upgraded by 2040
  • Very good wind conditions
  • Strategically important for supplying electricity to local and regional networks

Our reference projects

  • Falkenbergsmotet
  • Varberg Bäckagård
  • Landskrona Lundåkra
  • Lövstaviken

Have you considered generational change/repowering of wind power?

Our team of knowledgeable and experienced experts can help you navigate the process. Fill in the contact form and we will reach out to you.

Get in touch with us!

Mikael Palmqvist



Solar Power

Since the start Renewable Sweden has been specialists in onshore and offshore wind power, but our expertise, business areas and product portfolio are growing in line with technological development. Our dedicated solar team is working on several exciting projects, and we are also members of the industry organization Svensk Solenergi, which represents the Swedish solar energy industry to develop the industry in Sweden. Are you a landowner? Read more here

Our services:

  • Project development of new projects
  • Project management and advisory services throughout the value chain of your project
  • Extensive knowledge and experience of the consenting process
  • WindPRO, GIS/maps and visualizations
  • Local dialogue with the municipality and region
  • Consultations with authorities, public and other local stakeholders incl Espoo.
  • Representation during transaction.
  • Market analysis and project screening
  • Energy Yield Analysis / third party analysis
  • Consultation on the acquisition of projects and solar farms
  • Due Diligence advisory
  • Stakeholder Management
  • A network of suppliers for specialist services e.g legal advice, desktop studies and surveys
Stolt medlem i branschorganisationen Svensk Solenergi.

Olle Nyström

Solar Power


Relations and communication

People need to understand what the transition to renewable energy means – both in terms of the climate and the economy. During paradigm shifts, both information and inspiration are needed.

Renewable Sweden's business area Relations and communication is the extension of your marketing department – a communication and production agency focused solely on renewable energy.

This close cooperation with our other business areas gives us unique cutting-edge knowledge of wind power, solar power, and other renewable energy. Therefore, we can offer equally unique communication solutions for an industry that needs to be accepted. Put simply, a catalyst for developing projects from idea to reality.


Brand Process — Gigawatt

Build/create an elaborate brand based on conversations and processes


  • Three workshops with several participants including project group and local representatives
  • Research by RNSC

1. Current situation analysis (questionnaire including compilation of answers)

2. Own research (project, project owner, site, people)

3. Workshop 1 — Introductory questions

  • What is a trademark
  • Why, how, what?
  • Vision, mission, brand promise
  • For whom do we exist?
  • Target audience, ambassadors and gatekeepers
  • What do we want to say and to whom?
  • Onlyness — uniqueness
  • Establishment of initial brand platform

4. Renewable Sweden Communications compiles data based on Workshop 1

5. Workshop 2 — together we refine and refine what we came up with in workshop 1

6. Renewable Sweden Communications compiles data based on Workshop 2

7. Workshop 3 — Moving from branding process to branding work

How, where and when do we communicate what we came up with in workshop 1 and 2?

8. Summary and materials

In parallel with the trademark work, we develop a comprehensivelygraphic manual/trademark manual (digital) containing:

  • Project background
  • Presentation of project/brand owner
  • Why, how, what analysis
  • Vision, Mission and Brand Promise
  • Values, personality, audiences, gatekeepers and blocks
  • “Do's and Don'ts”
  • Logotype
  • Graphic elements
  • Colours
  • Typeface
  • Photos (what it is and what it gives)
  • Guidelines for text and copy
  • Several visual examples (e.g. website, ads in print and Web/SoMe, clothing, decor, etc.)

Branding Process — Megawatt

Building/creating a well-founded brand


  • Questions and answers
  • Interviews
  • Research

1. Questionnaire
(simplified version of WS 1 in Gigawatts) to project owner (person responsible for the project) — including compilation of responses

2. Interview with project owners
with questionnaires as a basis — including compilation of answers

3. Research by RNSC
(project, project owner, location, people)

4. Summary and materials
Graphic manual/brand book (digital) containing:

  • Values, personality, audiences, gatekeepers and blocks
  • Logotype
  • Graphic elements
  • Colours
  • Typeface
  • Photos (what it is and what it gives)
  • Several visual examples (e.g. website, ads in print and Web/SoMe, clothing, decor, etc.)

Branding — Services

In addition to packaged services around brands and brand strategy, we can also help you in the following areas. This is what we call branding work. The end products can be, for example, brochures, films, advertisements, posters for consultation meetings or project websites. Often these devices are combined in one campaign.

  • Art Direction
  • Graphic Design
  • Print
  • Copywriting
  • Typeface
  • Editorial text
  • Photography/Film
  • Photo and film editing
  • Image processing/image manipulation
  • AI-generated image and text
  • 3D Modeling
  • Music production
  • Radio and TV spots
  • VoiceOver
  • Project management
  • Production management
  • Design and production of websites
  • Social media management
  • Lectures on brand processes/brand work

Project website

The face of your project is the home page. It is also a given carrier of your brand. This is where you share information and inspiration with local residents, local politicians, the press and the general public. We'll help you set up an easy-to-navigate, stylish and long-term project website that will help you reach out. Work on the project website relates to:

  • Domain registration
  • Structure map — Onepage page + four subpages
  • Design/AD/Adapt to your brand
  • Set of account contact forms
  • Copy and text processing
  • Two proofreading turns

Brand package (incl. project website)

Now you can take part of the package that we call the Brand Package. This means that we help you develop a project brand (The Megawatt Brand Process) and design and set up your project website. The brand package includes:

  • All Under 02 Brand Process Megawatt
  • All under 04 Project Homepage

Consultation package

In addition to the Brand Package, we can also help you with materials for Consultation Meetings — The Consultation Package. These devices are usually what is initially produced. The consultation package includes:

  • Invitation to a consultation meeting, up to 300 copies incl. Addressing, envelopes and postage
  • A1 posters for consultation meeting. Up to 30 copies
  • Digital panoramic screens for VR helmet and web. Visualizations from 12 photo points
  • Branded pocket brochure “Wind power from scratch”, 20 pages, 300 copies
  • Folder A4 “Incentives”, 6 pages, 300 copies
  • Collection folder A4, 300 copies
  • All printing costs included

Jeanette Lindeblad

Brand Specialist


Skills development

Knowledge and education are fundamental for the development of projects but also to contribute to the understanding of what a sustainable energy system looks like.We offer training in our business areas, but our employees are also inspiring and knowledgeable speakers within their respective areas of expertise. We also have experience in arranging seminars, meetings and events related to renewable energy, dialogue and development.

Examples of how we work with knowledge and education:

  • Hydrogen seminar – the possibilities of hydrogen at home
  • The possibilities of wind power
  • Upskilling in aviation obstruction lighting
  • Knowledge base for noise impact
  • Pre-study on local benefits
  • Basic knowledge on wind power in Sweden

Annelie Nilsson

Skills Development
